Trip to the Conservation Areas

 Bugs !

LeConte's Tiger Beetle (Cicindela scutellaris lecontei) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Went to the Piney Forest Trails to chase Tiger Beetles on the sand dunes. Photographing Festive Tiger Beetles, I was looking for the Ghost but he was not out to play. Then went to Chapman Mills Conservation Area to hike the trails through the marsh on the Rideau River. Took some flower pictures but once again I focused on the insects that were in the tall grass. It's always so nice to come across a nice patch of Milkweed, there you will find all sorts of bugs doing their thing and pollinating. 

European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola) Chapman Mills Conservation Area, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Bush Katydid (Scudderia spp.) Chapman Mills Conservation Area, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The day was hot, I'm still trying to get used to my new lenses, but I found it surprising that there were few Tiger Beetles out on the hot sands. I did see some Eastern Sand Tiger Beetles, but they were not apt to posing for the camera. All in all it was a good day to get out and I got some good walking exercise in Chapman Mills CA. 


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