1968 : The Year I was Born

 It's all for you Greg

I was born on a Monday of June 17th, 1968, making me a Gemini (Cheeky) Monkey that is very Gregarious. I was raised in the Westend of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada & I have remained in the area all of my life because I love it here. Son to Michael & Cheryl. I had such a lovely & rewarding childhood thanks to my Mother.

I was in Army Cadets when I was a teenager & I was very fortunate to visit Canada's Arctic with them in the mid 80s, it was a dream posting of a lifetime & I will never forget the beauty of the world up there above the Arctic Circle. Had the best guidance from the PPCLI during my adventures in the North.

Late 80s & early 90s I joined the Canadian Armed Forces where I served seven years of service to my Queen & Country. It was such an honour to serve & I had the best time of my life & I met my best friends for life there. I will never forget my Brothers in Arms and I will cherish those times for the rest of my life. Here are some pictures of me & family including cousin Tom in the summer of 1992 when we both served on Changing of the Guard together ... it was such a summer to remember, filled with great memories & adventures.


Best Friend Rob when he was coming back from Officer Training he was the first of my friends to welcome me home from my first trip to Europe.


Me, Derek, Brad & Lee the trouble makers in the 80s

Mr. Scotty my best M8 of all time I met this trouble maker the first time I went to Petawawa with the Army Cadets & we have been friends for life ever since ... there have been so many countless times I had the best fun with you & you have always covered my ass & kept me in the best shape of my life thank you me friend.

Being in the Army had me spent lots on time in Petawawa, Ontario at the very large Army base there & I got to play with a lot of cool toys like the Carl Gustaf M/45 Rocket Launcher & of course my beloved 50 Caliber Machine Gun. Pictured are Rob in the foreground & Eric is waving.

Other Family Members

Me & a neighbourhood dog in Westend Ottawa in the 70s

I am such a cat person : Dusty the Wonder Cat

Baby the Techno Cat

Snake & Peanut ... They are Love !

In the 90s and until it closed ... I was hanging @The Collection, 56 Byward Street in Ottawa. It was my definite home away from home & I met all my friends & super friends at this most relaxing of establishments ... Here is where I used to watch LOST on Tuesday nights while sitting @the bar with my closest of friends like Thetis & Super Friend Marci :

In the 90s I was working for my first design firm in Ottawa & it was the largest firm in Ottawa at that time and it was called the Gordon Creative Group. Here I learned how to design & I met my best of friends Royston & he is my travel companion and best of M8s I have been so fortunate to meet him.


Adventures Ensue when I am with Royston

The Pallas's Cat (Otocolobus manul) ... just because !

A Note About my Future

Now I find myself in Love in the Time Of COVID
I have had a great life & continue to have a great life with my love, Elisa & her three Daughters 💚💙💛💜 I have such a bright future ahead of me with much love & happiness ... I love you so very much my new family & I cannot wait for us to be all together as ... a Party of Five.

A Portrait of me as a Little Man 

& how I was Raised

& a Final Note on Those I Have Loved & Lost

Two of the most beautiful people who have influence my life the most Laurie Dwyer & my Mother. If it wasn't for Laurie I would have never joined the Army nor would I would have not learned how to use a computer he molded my little mind as a boy & he taught me the most I could learn in life. Well, my beautiful Mother who taught me to be a gentleman & how to live the life of goodness ... I miss you both so dearly & will forever remember & never forget you both.


  1. Can't wait to read about the next 50 years!

    1. Thank you my super friend for the comment, the next 50 are going to be great & filled happiness :-)


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