
Showing posts from March, 2024

First Weekend of Spring

 Looking for Chipmunks Waking up from hibernation the Chipmunks should be out in full force this weekend as the warm spring weather returns to Canada. Red Squirrels can be seen throughout the winter choosing to search for food rather than sleeping during the cold times. It is rare to get a Chipmunk picture in the snow seeing that they are hidden in their homes during the winter months only peeking out as soon as the warm weather arrives. This weekend should prove to be bountiful for rodent pictures as they should all be awake and running about with the warm temperatures that should be arriving this weekend. It is the some of the coldest days of March that we have been experiencing recently but the temperature should be above zero for this weekend ushering spring to the city of Ottawa. Hoping the chipmunk hunting is fruitful this weekend wherever you may be during this wonderful spring weekend. And if not Chipmunks may you find some other delightful creatures to capture in photographs w

Everybody Loves Wood Ducks

 Here are Just a few I Have Come Across A Happy Couple Every year the Wood Ducks ( Aix sponsa ) come to Ottawa to spend their summer and sometimes overwinter here as well. The male is the more colourful of the two but I find the female to be just as beautiful.  Britannia Conservation Area, Mud Lake is where I find these stellar ducks in perfect poses for the photographer, and over the summer they have their broods of little ones each year.  All over the conservation area the ducks can be found along the shoreline of the lake or river, the young ones more commonly on the lake. But it's the mature adults that blossom with rich colours that capture the interest of the Nature Lovers galore at the conservation area. Other than the Harlequin Duck there is no other ducks that display such colourful plumage. Let's take a look at some males. Adult Males Juvenile Male And the less colourful females : Whatever the season the Wood Duck is always a great pleasure to see at the local wetlan