Marlborough Forest

 In Search of Orchids

Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium parviflorum)

Hispid Buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus)

Seems to be a feature on yellow flowers for the Marlborough Forest Conservation Area, Ottawa's largest protected area and home for some rare orchids. Always a highlight to the trip is the Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Orchid which I was unable to photograph this year as I was late for its blooming this year. It was so disappointing to see that I had missed the flowering period and all there was to see was the dried up bloom. But I did notice that they were extra small this year and far less plentiful than in other years observing these delicate orchids.

Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium arietinum) Marlborough Forest, Ontario, Canada. Conservation Status: vulnerable (N3N4) in Canada (NatureServe). Photographed May 25, 2014.

My Work Online : 

Well regarding the sale of my photographs, it is now up to 65 photos for sale online at : Getty Images featuring a variety of my photos in different sizes that can be purchased and downloaded in Canadian dollars.

If you would like to see a collection of my works in both graphic design and photography please visit : My Work a portfolio site hosted by Adobe Corp. I used to have personal websites but I had to shut them down due to the pandemic circumstances.

And if you would like to see all my photographs in their splendour please check out : Flickr & me

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