Conservation Areas of Ontario & my Birthday

 Rideau Lakes, Ontario

Northern Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota) Foley Mountain Conservation Area,
Ontario, Canada.

Every year on my birthday, I go on select short trips with my best friend Roy. This year we visited the Rideau Lakes Region and stayed in Sharbot Lake for the night. During the day we visited some Conservation Areas and one Provincial Park. The first we stopped by was Mill Pond Conservation Area, where we found beautiful moist woods and probably the worst area for bugs to annoy us, mostly Deer Flies and Mosquitoes. It seemed that there was not much to photograph other than a number of Northern Green Frogs that we found here and there particularly in the streams and ponds we explored. 

Northern Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota) Mill Pond Conservation Area, Ontario, Canada.

What proved to be a beautiful location was a Beaver Pond that we found on Foley Mountain Conservation Area. After enjoying a great lunch at the Westport Brewing Co, we did an extensive explore of Foley Mountain from the highest Spy Lookout to the beach for swimming in the East of the area. But the highlight of the visit was the Beaver Pond nestled in the centre of Foley. On the beaver pond there were two large docks where you can examine the flora and fauna of the pond and while we were there the Beaver swam by with foliage in mouth. But the highlight was the Green Frogs that were so obliging in their poses and interactions with my new Canon EOS R7 camera fitted with 100mm macro lens.

Foley Mountain Conservation Area, Ontario, Canada

The stay in the Sharbot Lake Country Inn and the Crossing Pub was a great location for the andventures we had setup for us. On my birthday we visited three Conservation Areas including Mill Pond, Foley Mountain and Meisel Woods. All three had their natural beauty and the hiking was great for those locations. After our stay at Sharbot Lake, where I had the worst heartburn from dining Indian food at the Pub, we went to Sharbot Lake Provincial Park, which turned out to be more of a camping ground than a secluded nature retreat. Highlight of the hike was seeing a Leopard Frog on the Discovery Trail of the Park. But no photos were taken as I was feeling a bit low on energy as the heatwave began to take its toll on the trail. 


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