Trip to the Cottage

 Alleyn-et-Cawood, Quebec, Canada

Whorled Loosestrife (Lysimachia quadrifolia) Kaz Station, Quebec, Canada. Conservation Status: Vulnerable (S3) in Québec, CA (NatureServe)

Flowers and butterflies oh my. It was hot ! And the bugs were buggy ! But it was a great escape from the heat of the city. Went to the cottage in search of rare flowers and Monarch Butterflies, only saw one Monarch at Kaz Station but the Whorled Loosestrife was in full form and an excellent quantity from previous years of observation. 

Still getting used to the new camera and lenses it proved difficult to the Loosestrife photos it being a delicate small flower with multiple focal points as seen in the top photos. What turned out great were the butterfly photos on Milkweed. In particular a Dun Skipper turned out great to photograph on the bulbous Milkweed flowers and my 100mm lens did not let me down. What did let me down was my 35mm macro lens it was very difficult focusing on the Loosestrife and I don't think any of my photos turned out at all. So I need much practice with my 35 but the 100 works like a charm and I would recommend it to anyone interested in an all around use macro lens. 

Dun Skipper (Euphyes vestris) on Milkweed at Kaz Station, Quebec, Canada


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