My Profiles Around the Web

 Online Activities

This is where you can find me throughout the web, please follow and like when you can it would be much appreciated. I began my first time on social media by joining Facebook in 2007 on the recommendation of a friend and there you can find my several profiles endorsing my work and interests these are my most popular of seven :

Main profile :

Photography profile :

Design & Illustration profile :

Instagram :

Seven Deadly Sins

I first began my interest in nature photography on a trip to Newfoundland in the year of 2010 but unfortunately lost my phone with the photos in New York City just after my Eastern Coast adventure. I would become more involved with my nature interests in the following year with the purchase of a HTC Desire HD phone accompanied with an Olympus FE47, X43 compact camera. I initially began posting and organizing on the Flickr website in the year of 2012 :

Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) photographed with HTC Desire HD phone at Hillman Marsh Conservation Area, Lake Erie, Canada.

Northern Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota) Mer Bleue Bog, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ramsar site no. 755. Photographed with Olympus FE47, X43.

My first nature based website community that I came upon was Project Noah that I discovered with posting my photos on National Geographic website. it was initially affiliated NG but has since lost major interest as a nature community but it was a great jumping off point for me to feature my spotting and identification of my photos :

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, United States. Ramsar site no. 347.

American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Jack Pine Trail, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

After NG Photo Community closed I joined a number of Nature/Photo communities to feature my work and to assist on identification of species. Here is a list of my most prominent sites : 

Adobe Portfolio is where I feature my design work and photography :

iNaturalist is a great site to identify what you have captured :

Jungle Dragon for featuring what you photographed it is a beautifully designed site that is easy to use and it is not too complicated :

Canadian Geographic Photo Club for featuring Canadian content and participation in yearly photo competitions :

YouPic was a site I had a membership to but I have recently discontinued due to lack of interest and the site is becoming complicated to post :

Carnivorous Plant Society of Canada just because I love carnivorous plants :

Macroderi is a great community that I joined for macro photographers it started off strong but has declined in activity :

X formerly known a Twitter :

Pinterest was an interest for a bit :

And that's about it, oh and just one last link I am proud of :

Photos for sale :


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